FLORNET has a Face at Facebook
For several years now the FLORNET website has been used to inform members, associated partners and the community, especially those who are interested in floristry and education about FLORNET and its activities.
To give the website and its articles even more impact, other ways to make FLORNET and its activities more public: FLORNET´s website is linked to the social media network facebook since November 15th and is used in a profound way.
Although there is already an existing FLORNET Group on Facebook, FLORNET has now given itself a real face in Facebook: look at the company communication platform FLORNET.
On this Facebook platform short announcements will be posted to inform everyone interested in floristry and education about activities, events, meetings and other important news of FLORNET and its members. As there is a link from the Facebook’s company communication platform FLORNET to FLORNET’s website related to the posted announcements on Facebook it is possible and expedient to get more detailed information in the website’s articles.