FLORNET – FLORINT meeting in Celje, Slovenia
Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th of June 2014 the third meeting of the “European Platform for Education and Industry for Floristry” (FLORNET-FLORINT) took place, this time at the Slovenian Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje (School for Horticulture and visual Arts Celje).
In front of the meeting a conference was planned. Participants of the conference were representatives of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, Florists' and gardeners' Section, the National Educational Institute Slovenia, the Ministry of Education Slovenia and several teachers.
The conference started with an official welcome at all participants by Ms. Štefanija Kos Zidar, director of the school and Mr. Simon Ogrizek, president of the Florists and Gardeners section in CCSB of Slovenia.
Harrie Meijer, president of FLORNET transnational network for professional education gave a presentation about FLORNET and its activities, about professional education in floristry all over Europe and the developments in the different countries. Competence based education and a strong relationship between education and regional industry were two of the pillars he spoke about. Special attention he gave to the EU developments EQF, ECVET, EQAVET, national and international proofs of ability and assessment and to the Quality Assurance. He gave examples how FLORNET and its members will support these European developments.
Mr. Mike Bourguignon, association manager of FLORINT informed about the international florist organisation FLORINT and its activities to improve the branch of floristry and professional education in floristry. Special attention he gave to the further education of workers in the branch and of the possibility to acquire competences while working in the field.
The two presentations led to an interesting and fruitful forum discussion.
The afternoon of the 17th and the 18th of June were used for the meeting of European Platform for Education and Industry for Floristry” (FLORNET-FLORINT).
Several points were discussed. Several teachers of the school in Celje were invited and present at a part of this meeting.
on behalf of the board
Marianne Wieler